Local councillors have thanked City of York Council and contractors for the smooth running of the resurfacing works along Tadcaster Road.
The works are now complete and reinstatement of road markings are nearing completion. Cycle lanes have been widened to the standard 1.5 metre width along some sections of the road and the previous very narrow ‘filter box’ for vehicles and cycles turning right onto Nelsons Lane has been removed.
The presence of pedestrian refuges acted as a constraint in enabling more sections of cycle lane to be widened, which has led to calls for their replacement with zebra crossings to provide better facilities for pedestrians, slow traffic down and remove pinch points along the road for cycling.
The whole corridor from the Askham Bar Park & Ride site to Micklegate Bar is in need of a review to identify and tackle issues and obstacles that make people less likely to cycle along this route.