Shepherd Social Club in Holgate to become flats

Shepherd Social Club Holgate Road

Shepherd Social Club Holgate Road

The former Shepherds Social Club on Holgate Road is set to be converted into 12 one bedroomed flats.

A planning application will be considered at a meeting taking place on 9th January

The proposal involves the erection of a new side extension. The building is currently vacant.

The Council report says, A financial contribution of £4080 is required for the provision of amenity space and sports pitches. The money would be used to improve a local site such as West Bank Park or Holgate allotments and to improve a sports facility within the West Zone of the Sport and Active Leisure Strategy”.

Access to an 8 vehicle car park is obtained from Hamilton Drive.

No objections have been received to the proposal.

If approved, the 12 additional accommodation units will further reduce the pressure to build on green field land in the City.

Holgate children’s centre finally gets new occupier.

A team that supports some of York’s most vulnerable children has moved to new dedicated premises in Nursey Drive in Holgate.

City of York Council’s “Looked After Children Support Team” was formed last year to help support the city’s Looked After Children, their families and carers. The team of 12 specialist support practitioners will move to the site of the old Holgate Family Centre on Nursery Drive at the end of the month.

This is a welcome move by the Council which should, in our view, undertake more devolution to help regenerate sub-urban areas.

The team liaises with partner agencies across the city to coordinate and facilitate contact between Looked After Children and their parents and other relatives, support parenting assessments and re-unification plans, as well as helping Looked After and Adopted Children understand and make sense of their own life histories.
