A proposal to turn a home in Leven Road into a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) will be decided at a Planning committee meeting being held on 3rd September. HMOs are houses which are let as individual rooms but where occupants share communal facilities.
They are often used by students.
Only the largest buildings are usually considered for this type of use and it is relatively unusual for a property in the Dringhouses area to be considered for such a purpose (although there are 3 other HMOs within 100 metres of the property concerned).
The proposal – if approved – would see a 3 bedroomed semi turned onto a 4 bedroomed HMO. The property has been operating as an HMO for over a year without planning permission
The application has been “called in” for consideration by the committee because of fears about anti social behaviour and parking. The street is residential in nature and there are concerns that the transient use of the property might conflict with local amenity
The Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Planning panel has objected on the following grounds,
“The internal layout conflicts with the guidance on room size for HMO’s, specifically Room 3 (a bedroom) is less than 6.5 square metres in floor area. In addition there are concerns regarding the safety and visual impact of each of the four occupants having a motor vehicle to park on or near the property. There are concerns that such a change of use will form a pattern and have a negative impact on the character of the local area and concerns if the property was to be occupied by students in term time only there would be a loss in council tax revenue”.
Three residents have also objected raising concerns about lack of parking space, noisy outdoor games and the use of the property as a “party venue”
Council officials are recommending that planning permission be granted.
Residents may attend the meeting and register to speak on the proposals if they wish