£120,000 of taxpayers money to be spent without consultation

The Council has announced how the £120,000 taken from the local Ward Committee schemes budget is to be used.

The Council says, “15 organisations were successful in bidding for the grant funding and will deliver a range of activity programmes targeting different communities across the city. Each project will focus on one of the four council objectives of healthy communities, engaged communities, inclusive communities and prosperous communities.

£120,650 has been made available for projects taking place from September this year to March 2013. Each of the community themes has one major project with a value up to £15,000 and a series of smaller grants will fund small-scale, flexible work.

These grants form an overall programme of work, which is a venture between City of York Council and Your Consortium, aimed at providing voluntary and community sector support across the city.

Peasholme Charity, Gateway Action, York and District Citizens Advice Bureau and York Racial Equality Network secured grants for large projects, while York Unifying and Multicultural Initiative, York Mind, Stretch, Family Matters York, NYBEP, Age UK, Older Citizens Advocacy York, Inspired Youth, York Bike Rescue and Millers Yard have been awarded funding for smaller-scale projects”.

The Council has not said how much each project will get not have the detailed objectives of the projects been revealed.

It is unclear whether any of the money will benefit residents living in the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe community.

For the first time for nearly 20 years, residents were not consulted about their priorities for the use of this budget. A pretty poor example of “engaged communities” most will probably think.


Conservators working on the restoration of the Great East Window at York Minster have completed the conservation of half of the panels in the stunning medieval window depicting the story of the Apocalypse.

York Minster’s Great East Window contains the largest expanse of medieval stained glass in Britain, and was designed by one of the stained glass master John Thornton of Coventry. Started in 1405 and completed in 1408, the main part of the window depicts the Apocalypse, and is recognised around the world as being some of the finest medieval stained glass still in existence. The restoration of half of the Apocalypse panels is now complete thanks to the tireless work of the York Glaziers Trust.

“This is a significant landmark in the restoration project, as each of the 108 panels require painstaking research, documentation, examination, conservation and repair of the many thousands of components that make up this incredible glass masterpiece,” says Sarah Brown, Director of York Glaziers Trust. “Each panel is a work of art in its own right, each piece painted with the skills of a Van Eyck or a Vermeer, with an amazing delicacy that can now be fully appreciated as we look at the panels up close.”

The window is being restored as part of the five year York Minster Revealed project, generously supported by a £10.5 million grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), due for completion in 2016. However, visitors to York Minster will not have to wait until 2016 to see some of the completed restoration work, as a number of the panels will go on display later this year when a new state-of-the-art exhibition space, known as The Orb, is installed in York Minster’s East End. (more…)

North Yorkshire Police mobile safety (speed) camera routes 15 – 21 August 2012

North Yorkshire Police will be carrying out mobile safety camera enforcement on the following roads between Wednesday 15 August and Tuesday 21 August 2012.

•A64 Seamer by-pass Scarborough
•A64 Seamer Road, Scarborough
•A64 Between Barton-le-Willows and Jinnah
•A64 Between Barton Hill and Whitwell Hill
•A64 west-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•A64 east-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•Brayton Lane, Brayton, Selby
•Barff Lane, Brayton, Selby

Essential repairs to York’s riverbank

City of York Council will be carrying out essential work as part of phased repairs to the riverbank between Clifton and Scarborough Bridges, next week (20 August), lasting for approximately ten-weeks.

The work will involve repairing 420m of existing riverbank between the bridges, which has been damaged by river erosion and the growth of self-set trees, which are destroying the existing structure. Total failure of the embankment structure could damage the National Cycle Route 65 (running along the bank top) and a nearby public sewer serving the whole of Clifton.


Labour force through social care cuts

Liberal Democrats have failed in an attempt to overturn a controversial decision to cut social care in York.

The cuts mean that City of York Council’s community care service will be available only to those with substantial or critical needs, rather than those with “moderate” needs. 184 people with “moderate” needs will now lose their support, which can include help with shopping, bathing, showering or preparing meals.

20 mph speed limit plan closer

Labour have decided to overrule resident’s objections and implement a 20 mph speed limit in an area stretching initially from the Ouse to The Mount.

The area includes Bishopthorpe Road.

It is expected that it will be the precursor to an attempt to extend the limit to virtually every other street in the City.

The proposals for South Bank are less controversial than in other areas as existing speeds in the narrow terraced streets are usually less than 20 mph anyway. The situation elsewhere in the City is very different.

Residents will be concerned that decisions to promote schemes like these attract little publicity these days. A Labour Councillor meets with two officials and nods through proposals. There is no debate and members of the public, the Media and opposition Councillors are barred from the meetings.

As a result the vast majority of residents will have no idea what decisions are being taken and only keen “surfers” of the Council web site will even know that change is in the air.

It makes consultation arrangements farcical.

The details of the meeting have now been published (2 weeks after it took place) and can be found here. http://tinyurl.com/20-mph-limit-in-South-Bank

The minutes of the meeting make it clear that those taking the decision were aware of recent figures on road traffic accidents which revealed a big increase in accidents in areas subject to 20 mph limits.

Despite this Labour still plan to go ahead with the project which will cost taxpayers around £600,000 to implement across the City.

Police and Crime Commissioner elections

Times are changing

Many may feel that the PCC elections, due to take place on 15th November, will prove to be an unhelpful diversion for a Police force which has a good record in reducing crime in York and North Yorkshire at a levy of £200 per for the average household.

The Force has a achieved this under the general guidance of a broadly based “Police Authority” which included Councillors from all over the area, and with differing political views, together with several magistrates.

The structure of Police Authorities is far from perfect. They include no directly elected representatives and therefore accountability with the electorate is at best indirect. So a refinement of its membership, roles and responsibilities may have been overdue.

Nor have all Chief Constables always shown sensitivity and respect for the concerns of local residents. Several examples of apparently unnecessary expenditure have emerged over the last few decades, while recently there have been reports of inappropriate nepotism in recruitment processes.

However, electing a single politician to take responsibility for addressing crime issues is an over-reaction to the perceived weaknesses of the present system. At worst it could bring into question the political impartiality of the Police.

At a salary of £70,000, plus significant on costs, it may also be a role that the taxpayer simply can’t afford.

Over the last few days other concerns have emerged.

2 Labour candidates for the posts (elsewhere in the country) have been forced to stand down. They had committed offences in their younger days and, although not jailed, it was judged that their “experience” was inappropriate for someone towards the top of the justice system. They have been forced to stand down although the Labour party has yet to explain how they came to be selected in the first place.

Last week a judge ruled that existing JPs (magistrates) must resign before they can take up a PCC job. Initially the Judge had said that the ban on JPs would apply to anyone standing as a CANDIDATE, although this view was apparently quickly reversed. The revised guidance says that, for this first round of elections, as long as they undertake not to sit on the bench while the campaign is in progress, candidates will not have to resign as JPs unless they are elected.

Stranger still – according to The Guardian – is the presumption now that members of the – largely advisory – Police and Crime Panels may also have to resign if they also serve as a JP. The Police and Crime Panel (PCP) will have the ability to veto the Commissioner’s plans for the police’s share of council-tax bills and their proposed candidates to be Chief Constable, as long as it has a two-thirds majority on any vote.

The membership of the York and North Yorkshire Police and Crime Panels was announced a couple of weeks ago. It includes at least 1 J.P.

Only 2 candidates have so far been announced for the PCC post in York and North Yorkshire. They are Julia Mulligan a Conservative (http://juliamulligan.org.uk/) and Ruth Potter Labour: (http://www.yorklabour.org.uk/police/)

Other potential candidates may be discouraged by the £5000 deposit that each will have to find.

There will be no postage paid election address delivered so many residents will have to trawl the internet to get details of the candidates and their policies.

New bus information point opens tomorrow at the station

City of York Council, York Pullman and East Coast Mainline are working in partnership to open a new bus and information point in York Railway Station.

The new information desk is located in the station’s Travel Centre and will be officially opened on Tuesday 14 August.

Commuters and visitors will get access to up to date and accurate answers to their queries about local bus services as well as general visitor information.

The customer-facing counter will be operated by York Pullman and has been developed with thanks to £30,000 funding from the Better Bus Area Fund – a grant provided by the Government. (more…)

York Council spends £1.2 million on consultants

The York Council spent £1.2 million on employing consultants during the last financial year. The expenditure is broadly in line with previous years (09/10 – £1.3M, 10/11 – £1.2M).

The Council uses consultants to undertake work when either it doesn’t have the internal capacity &/or the skills to deliver specialist projects.

The figures would, therefore, be unsurprising were it not for the fact that in December last year the “Cabinet” member with responsibility for corporate decisions of this sort (Coun Julie Gunnell) was quoted in the local newspaper as saying, “Since taking control of the council from the Lib Dems we have sought to rebalance the use of consultants and now only use them where absolutely necessary!”

So everyone seems to be agreed then that expenditure of around 0.5% of the total budget on the use of external companies is about what might be expected?

In reality there is a conflict between Labour’s grand expenditure plans and the reduced capacity of the Council workforce now that many managers have been sacked.

The top 5 consultancy contractors employed by the York Council during the last year were:
1. Sweet Group, £201,115, quantity surveying services
2. Amtel Consulting, £125,133, management consultancy and specialist interim services
3. Halcrow, £77,539, Highway design consultants
4. Crosby Interim Consultancy Services, £77,474, specialist interim services
5. V4 Services, £26,075, management consultancy and specialist interim services