After many delays, it looks like a decision will now be made on how to investigate the £187,000 loss that the last Council made on the Grand Departy concert.
There were also safety concerns raised about the event by an independent committee
The event took place in June 2014 but Labour Councillors – many of whom lost their seats in the May elections – tried every manoeuvre possible to avoid being held to account for the failures.
A similar situation exists on money waste on the Lendal bridge/Coppergate closures and the failed wide area 20 mph project.
An all party scrutiny Committee will consider what type of inquiry to conduct into the budget and project management of the York Councils Tour de France responsibilities.
The issue remains a live one as similar events may be suggested in the future. A Tour De Yorkshire event held at the beginning of May produced a mixed reaction form City Centre shopkeepers several of whom blamed the event for untypically low Bank Holiday takings.
The report into the option available for the scrutiny of the issue can be read by clicking here. The meeting, which will be open to the public, takes place on 22nd June
In total the Tour de Yorkshire event cost local taxpayers £1.3 million.