Pressure mounts for extra green waste collection

With high temperatures continuing and both hedges and lawns continuing to grow, the York Council has come under increased pressure to make at least one additional green bin emptying visit before Christmas.

Green waste refusebinAll the opposition groups on the Council have written to the responsible Cabinet member (Cllr Merrett) asking for the green bins to be emptied. Labour scrapped the emptying of green bins last year leaving residents without a service between November and March.

An electronic petition is being raised in support of the change

The move is backed by Liberal Democrat Councillors who have issued a statement saying

“We are calling on the Labour Cabinet to organise an additional citywide garden waste collection this month. As was the case last year, Liberal Democrat campaigners have been approached by a number of residents in recent days who are frankly bemused that the last green bin collection of the year will shortly be completed, while leaves are still falling from the trees across York.

“Residents are faced with a choice of burning their garden waste, driving across York to the remaining recycling centres or putting it into their grey waste collection – which will further increase waste sent to landfill and of course increase landfill tax.

A special garden waste collection is the only sensible option and would show residents that the council is listening to local concerns and determined to take action to reduce landfill tax.

Cost has been cited as a reason not to act, but given the rising landfill tax costs – it would surely be better for the council to spend the money on collecting the green waste rather than on the additional landfill tax which would result in not collecting the green waste.”

The joint letter from the opposition parties reads:

Icy weather coming – “sort out the salt bins and gritting routes” say LibDems

Council salt bin location map click

Council salt bin location map click

A high priority for the new “balanced” York Council should be to sort out its winter maintenance programmes

The City was very fortunate last year when warm weather persisted for virtually the whole of the winter.

We would lucky if this happened for a second year.

One of the most unpopular cuts made by York’s Labour Council was the removal of many salt bins.

Salt bins filled with rubbish

Salt bins filled with rubbish

Most of the bins had been provided by ward committees following a ballot of residents priorities. Local residents are often the best qualified to identify footpaths which are vulnerable to icing.

Some of the bins subsequently seemed to escape the cull. Some even still have salt in them.

However, the salt bin location map shown on the York Councils web site is inaccurate.

In other areas, some carriageways have been excluded from the gritting schedules despite the roads being on bus routes.

All in all, there is a need for a review of the system before the snow arrives.

The Council could make a start by clearing the existing salt bins of rubbish and refilling those that need it.

Pub watch scheme starts in Dringhouses

York police and partner agencies have teamed up with local publicans in the Acomb and west side of the city to help keep licensed premises trouble free.

So far, 17 pubs in the area have signed up to a new Pub Watch scheme which aims to prevent anti-social behaviour and criminal activity in and around licensed premises, helping to create a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for customers.

Working together with the City of York Council, YBAC (York Business Against Crime) and Apex Radios, the scheme works by providing licensees with a forum to instantly share information about crime and people causing trouble in their pubs and bars. This could then lead to a person being banned from every establishment that is part of the scheme.

Plea for improvements to cycle paths

With multi million projects providing little used now cycle paths in some arts of the City, residents are beginning to ask why existing facilities are being allowed to deteriorate.

Surfaces are cracking, rusting barriers need a coat of paint while some routes are now completely blocked by overhanging bushes.

The Council needs to get its supervision and maintenance procedures sorted out

Bushes block cycle path

Bushes block cycle path

Cycle barriers need painting

Cycle barriers need painting

Guildhall future still in doubt as Labour cancel key meeting

Labour Councillors have cancelled a meeting of the “Cabinet” scheduled to take place on 4th November.

York Guildhall

York Guildhall

The move came without any explanation.

The meeting had been expected to consider the future of the Guildhall – scheduled by Labour to become a controversial “digital arts and media centre”.

With the balance on the Council having changed, the project – which was originally to have been determined in June – may never now get the “go ahead”.

York residents petition

York residents petition

Both LibDem and Tory Councillors have been very critical of the Labour leadership (see petition right collected in 2012) for leaving the building largely empty and for failing to recognise the role that both the Guildhall and Mansion House should continue to have in the civic life of the City.

The Cabinet meeting was also expected to receive a report on the final costs of the Tour de France events with most eyes still on the reported six figure costs of the “Grand Departy” held at the Huntington Stadium in July.

The Council have already delayed answering a Freedom of Information request on the issue – somewhat disingenuously claiming that they had not yet assembled all the bills for the event.

The FOI request has now been re-submitted.

Boost for children in York

Liberal Democrats have welcomed the news that nurseries, childminders and other early years providers in York are set for a £103,330 cash boost to help three and four-year-olds from disadvantaged families.

Lib Dems say the extra investment could help close York’s ‘attainment gap’ – the difference in education performance between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers.

“Empty our Green Bins” say residents

Residents are asking the York Council to continue to empty green bins at least until Christmas.

Green waste refusebin

The request comes as – with warm weather continuing until late into the autumn for the second successive year – large amounts of green waste are continuing to accumulate.

Labour stopped emptying bins at the beginning of November as an economy measure last year. However many residents simply put the waste into grey bins, increasing the amount going to land fill.

This meant that the Council had to pay more in landfill tax

Residents can sign a petition on the council’s web site. Click here

The petition reads

We the undersigned petition the council to continue to collect green waste throughout the winter, or at least until Christmas 2014

As most people have leaves and other green waste, we want it to be collected later in the year. Not to stop at the end of October


Absence in York schools amongst lowest in the country

Figures released by Department for Education (DfE) show that levels of attendance in City of York schools continue to be amongst the very best nationally.

The DfE figures revealed that only 3.2 per cent of pupils in York were regarded as persistent absentees [absent for 15 or more per cent of their lessons], a reduction from 5 per cent for the same period in 2012-13.