Chapmans Pond re-opens for fishing

Chapmans Pond is set to re-open for fishing on Monday 13th June, having been closed for recent weeks to allow the fish to spawn.

The re-opening of the full site comes after a successful summer fair held by Love to East and the Friends of Chapmans Pond on Sunday 12th June.

Chapmans Pond fairVisitors to the fair enjoyed a BBQ and cake stall, as well as a range of stalls and exhibitors including West Thorpe scouts, Dringhouses Library and Holgate Windmill.

And thankfully the rain held off!

‘Clean for the Queen’ success

The ‘Clean for the Queen’ weekend of community clean-up activities was wholeheartedly embraced by many residents, including in Foxwood and Woodthorpe.

Lib Dem councillors Sheena Jackson and Andrew Waller (Westfield ward) and Stephen Fenton (Dringhouses & Woodthorpe ward) joined volunteers in a clean-up at Foxwood Park, which forms part of the boundary between the two wards.

Andrew, Sheena and Stephen, suitably tooled up!

Andrew, Sheena and Stephen, suitably tooled up!

As well as litter picking, there was a lot of environmental work done, such as cutting back some of the trees along the boundary with Bellhouse Way.

A good morning's work!

A good morning’s work!














Stephen also ventured further afield to do some litter picking at Woodthorpe shops, on the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust’s Woodlands estate and at the old Park & Ride site at Askham Bar.

Residents Association set for crucial meeting

Residents of the Wains Road / Chaloners Road / Thanet Road / North Lane area are being urged to attend a crucial meeting of the Dringhouses West Residents Association.

The meeting on Tuesday 1st March at 7pm will be held at West Thorpe Methodist Church.

Dringhouses West RA poster

The main focus of the meeting will be to elect a new Chair and Secretary, to take over from the long-serving office holders who are standing down after many years’ sterling service.


Community litter pick on Sunday 24th January

Cllr Stephen Fenton has organised a community litter pick at the former Askham Bar Park & Ride car park (now the ‘Moor Lane Pay & Display car park’).

The litter pick will take place on Sunday 24th January between 11am and 3pm.

A 'grot spot'!

                                                    A ‘grot spot’!

Stephen has organised the litter pick in response to residents’ concerns about the state of the (mostly empty) car park. Litter ‘grabbers’ and refuse sacks will be provided.

Anyone wanting to join in the litter pick should contact Stephen on 07751 963215 or e-mail