Underpass lighting scheme completed

Lighting has been installed in the Hob Moor underpass, two years after the suggestion was first put forward by local councillors.

In early 2021, in response to feedback from local residents, councillors began to explore options for the installation of lighting to help improve the safety of this well-used route.

Councillors delivered letters to around 600 homes near the Hob Moor underpass to gauge whether there would be support for installing lighting. The vast majority of respondents were supportive. Many people said that if the underpass were lit they would feel safer using it, though a small number of respondents
expressed concerns about anti-social behaviour.

Council officers then liaised with Network Rail to scope out and cost the scheme, which has now finally come to fruition.

Cllr Paula Widdowson commented “I am very grateful to council and Network Rail staff for their persistence in bringing this scheme to life. As a ward team, acting on residents’ suggestions is our priority, and so it is pleasing that we have been able to deliver this resident-inspired scheme.”

Hob Moor footpath gets much-needed repair

The large hole which appeared in the footpath on Hob Moor near the railway underpass has been repaired after we reported it for attention.

This section of footpath had started to crumble away, and it seems to have been related to utilities work that was carried out some time ago.

Repair work underway

Before – the footpath was in dire need of attention