Latest planning application for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


26 Lindale York YO24 2SR

Proposal      Single storey side extension

Reference   24/00036/FUL


Representations can be made in support of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Wains Grove to be resurfaced

The council has announced that Wains Grove is to be resurfaced, with work starting on 23 January for three days.

The road – which has a tarmac layer on top of concrete – has deteriorated significantly in recent years, posing a hazard to pedestrians and cyclists in particular.

Councillors and residents have been campaigning for the road to be resurfaced

The works will be carried out between 8am and 5pm.

In order to carry out the work safely, the use of a full road closure will be necessary whilst works are taking place. All on-street parking will be suspended during the hours of the works for the full duration, but specific access requirements can be arranged by speaking to the site Traffic Management Operatives, who will coordinate with residents (and business requirements) around the ongoing work operations.

Emergency services will be permitted through the works in any situation.

Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


The Square Dringhouses York

Fell 1 no. Holly – Council tree protected by Tree Preservation Order CYC149

Ref. No: 23/02385/TPO 


Site To South Of 24 Chaloners Road York

Outline application for 3 detached self-build plots with all matters reserved

Ref. No: 24/00004/OUT 


York College Sim Balk Lane York YO23 2BB

Variation of condition 12 of permitted application 22/01278/FULM to alter the BREEAM rating

Ref. No: 23/02365/FUL 


Askham Bar Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York

Non-material amendment to permitted application 22/02199/FULM for the re-siting of the scanner unit to replace portakabins

Ref. No: 23/02358/NONMAT 


All Saints Pavilion And Sports Field Sim Balk Lane York

Certificate of lawfulness for proposed development of a 2m high v-mesh fence to enclose playing fields

Ref. No: 23/02341/CPD 


Representations can be made in support of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning application for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Address       54 White House Gardens York YO24 1EA

Proposal      Certificate of lawfulness for proposed development of a hip to gable roof extension and rear dormer

Reference   23/02329/CPD


Representations can be made in support of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Graffiti blitz hits Dringhouses & Woodthorpe

Litter bins, telecoms cabinets and bus shelters have been hit by graffiti ‘artists’ in recent weeks. The ‘tags’ used by these individuals are ‘Leeroy’ and ‘Rank.’

On 24 December Cllr Stephen Fenton cleaned graffiti at 20 locations, from Girvan Close in the west of the ward to Thanet Road in the east.

The Police have been asked to try to identify the culprits and charge them with criminal damage.

Network Rail have been alerted to ‘Rank’s handiwork on the St Helens Road railway bridge, which will need to be painted over.

Waste collection update

As had been feared, the less-than-clear council communications about waste collections over the Christmas and New Year period meant that some residents put out black bins for collection today.

As we have previously reported, information issued by the council indicated that those households due a collection on Monday 25th would receive a collection on Saturday 23rd instead. Some households that were due a recycling collection on the 25th interpreted this as meaning that they would get an ‘extra’ black bin collection on Saturday 23rd, which wasn’t the case.

Four-week gap between recycling collections confirmed

The council has confirmed that Woodthorpe residents will not have a recycling collection during the festive period.

Council comms materials that were issued recently led with the reassuring message that there will be changes to collection days over Christmas and New Year.

The more detailed information suggested that collections that were due on Monday 25th would take place on Saturday 23rd instead. The small print, however, confirms that the Saturday collection will apply only to those households that were due a black bin collection. Households that were due a recycling collection on the 25th will miss out, meaning their next recycling collection will be on Monday 8th January.

The communications issued by the council could and should have been clearer. For example, some residents have interpreted the table above as meaning that they will get an ‘extra’ black bin collection on Saturday 23rd, which isn’t the case.

Dringhouses & Woodthorpe ward councillors have queried with council officers why is has been necessary to drop some collections this year, when in previous years the council has been able to keep collections going whilst ensuring that waste staff get to take some well-earned time off. The response received is that waste collections over the Christmas and New Year period on the Saturdays rely on volunteers, and this year the council has been unable to secure enough volunteers to provide a full service for all waste and recycling streams. It’s not clear why the council’s approach this year has meant that volunteers have not come forward in sufficient numbers compared to previous years.

Councillors have also asked what steps are being taken to prepare for the inevitable increased pressure on the recycling banks at Acomb Morrisons and Tesco Askham Bar. With no kerbside recycling collections for four weeks, it is highly likely that these bring sites will see a large increase in usage, and so we would expect the frequency of emptying to be increased.

The response received is that the bring banks at Acomb Morrisons and Tesco Askham Bar are being emptied on 22nd December so they have the maximum capacity to cope with any additional materials presented, and agreement is being sought from Tesco for an additional cardboard skip to be installed at Askham Bar.

Councillors will monitor the situation over the coming weeks and will report any issues for attention, such as recycling waste being flytipped next to overflowing bring banks.

Consultation on bus service changes announced

The council has, without warning and just days before Christmas, launched a brief consultation on proposed changes to some bus services which, if approved, would come into effect from April 2024.

The changes are a result of a ‘behind closed doors’ review of the bus network that the council has undertaken, which councillors and residents have not been able to input into. The review has taken account of how well services are currently used, but apparently has not considered how services could be changed to attract more passengers.

Of most relevance to Dringhouses & Woodthorpe ward is the proposal to merge into one contract the 12 and 14 services. The 12 is currently operated by East Yorkshire and the 14 (which is the late-night service) is operated by Transdev. The information released by the council suggests that no overall service frequency reduction is anticipated and all stops will continue to be served, however minor timetable changes would be required.

It’s not clear how the two contracts would be ‘merged’ – presumably by issuing an invitation to tender? Residents will be concerned at the possibility of East Yorkshire being stripped of the contract to run the service, as feedback has been overwhelmingly positive since they took over the route in April 2023.

Some of the other service changes are likely to affect local residents who travel further afield within York, and details can be found HERE  

The consultation ends on 17th January, and the online questionnaire is available at It is understood that paper copies will be available in all Explore libraries.

Following the brief period of consultation, the feedback will be taken to an Executive meeting in late January, though it’s not clear how this will work as the consultation closes on the same day that the papers for the 25 January Executive meeting would have to be published!

Drop-in sessions are also being held at the Friends Meeting House on Friargate on Monday 8 January (2pm-5pm) and Wednesday 10 January (2pm-7pm). Sadly the council has decided not to come to local communities to speak to residents who will be affected by these changes, and there seems to be no plan to write to affected residents who are not online.