Vehicle monitored doing 68 mph in Alness Drive 20 mph zone

In response to a Freedom of Information request, the York Council has published updated figures indicating the effect that the revised 20 mph speed limits have had on average vehicle speeds and accident levels.

The figures reveal that the new limits have had little or no effect on average vehicle speeds while some accident levels have actually risen.

The data updates that published in March 2015 which showed similar results.

The data covers the 20 mph wide area limit in western York implemented in 2013/14. The project cost £600,000 to implement and was widely criticised for failing to recognise that such limits were unenforceable and, in any event, would have a negligible effect on accident levels.

Opponents wanted the money spent directly on safety improvements at accident black spots.

On some 20 mph roads such as Alness Drive the maximum speed recorded this year has been as much as 68mph – well above levels seen before the speed limit change

Overall there has been a reduction of only 1.3 mph in mean speeds.
Accident levels in the area have increased from 62 recorded in 2012 to 78 in 2015

On a related issue, North Yorkshire police are to be asked to justify their decision to increase the number of mobile speed enforcement cameras vans to six.

The Police responded to an FOI inquiry indicting that they only held information relating to the total number of offences which had been recorded when a van visited a particular location. This information had been published on their web site for couple of years now.

The police also publish how they they are dealing with specific speeding complaints raised by members of the public (although there is a backlog). click here

However, it doesn’t provide a measure of how effective the vans have been in controlling vehicle speeds or in reducing the number of accidents on the roads being monitored.

The number of drivers exceeding the prevailing speed limit is only a crude reflection of the “success” of the cameras.  Changes in offender numbers may simply reflected changes in traffic volumes.

Against a background of increasing numbers of road casualty’s, residents need to be convinced that roads are now safer as a result of police investment.

A further request for the information is now being drafted.

Comparative vehciels speeds in west York pre and post 20 mph limits

Comparative vehicle speeds in west York pre and post 20 mph limit change

Road accident trends in west York

Road accident trends in west York

Latest planning applications Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Location:       302 Tadcaster Road York YO24 1HE

Proposal:       Erection of detached dwelling and garage (amended scheme)

Ref No: 15/01690/FUL

Applicant:      Knavesmire Ventures LLP Contact ONeill Associates       Consultation Expiry Date        14 September 2015 Case Officer:   Heather Fairy   Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       45 Hunters Way York YO24 1JL

Proposal:       Single storey rear extension and dormers to side and rear

Ref No: 15/01764/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Martin Scott Consultation Expiry Date        14 September 2015 Case Officer:   David Johnson   Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       60 Alness Drive York YO24 2XZ

Proposal:       First floor side and single storey side and rear extensions

Ref No: 15/01714/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Michael Leadbetter   Contact Mr John Dougal  Consultation Expiry Date        14 September 2015 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       31 Gower Road York YO24 2JA

Proposal:       Two storey side and rear extension

Ref No: 15/01715/FUL

Applicant:      Natalie Snaith  Contact Chris Lawson    Consultation Expiry Date        14 September 2015 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       Omnicom Engineering 292 Tadcaster Road York YO24 1ET

Proposal:       Fell Leylandii tree in a Conservation Area

Ref No: 15/01897/TCA

Applicant:      Mr John Forsyth Contact Mr Paul Taylor  Consultation Expiry Date        14 September 2015 Case Officer:   Esther Priestley        Expected Decision Level


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.