Semlyen quits Dringhouses as York Labour disarray grows

Dringhouses Labour Councillor Ann Semlyen has announced that she is quiting the York Council next May.Backstabbing

The Fishergate based representative has endured a troubled term of office and has been blamed by many for the introduction of the  controversial wide area 20 mph speed limits.

The Labour Party in York is currently in disarray with a total of 6 Councillors now saying that they will stand down from the Council next year, while a further  two have quit the Labour Group altogether (Cllrs Jeffries – who joined the LibDems – and Watson who now sits as an Independent).

Last week 3 other Labour Councillors were not re-selected to contest their seats in Clifton. They were replaced by a party hack from Hugh Bayleys office and an unknown “businessman”.

The Dringhouses ward is highly marginal with the area being represented by one LibDem and two Labour Councillors at present .

The fate of the other Dringhouses  Labour Councillor (Hodgson) is unknown.

Dringhouses 150 – Celerating the libraries contribution to the local community


click for brochure

click for brochure

Come and help us celebrate our birthday! Dringhouses Library is over 150 years old.

It has been a library since 1942, and was a Victorian school before that.

Throughout July 2014, we will be commemorating this role in the life of the people of Dringhouses for the last century and a half.

We celebrate the building as a place of community and learning, through theatre, music, lectures, author talks, and more. 

See the brochure of events (PDF, 12 pages).


Dringhouses Library – Freedom of Information revelation

Dringhouses Library

Dringhouses Library

A freedom of information request  has revealed that the Dringhouses Library building was gifted to the Council in 1942 for use only as a “Library or for other public uses”.

The revelation comes at a time when there are increasing concerns about the future of small libraries.

The Labour Councils decided to cut the libraries budget by £250,000 in 2013/14 and a further £150,000 in the forthcoming financial year.

The library service is now in the hands of an independent social enterprise trust which is currently looking to appoint new Directors

There will be an Open Evening at Acomb Explore, Front Street, Acomb, on Wednesday 12 March from 4pm – 6 pm, for anybody who would like to learn more. The management team and other Explore directors will be in attendance and able to answer questions. The person specification and role information for the new posts and can be found here.

To express interest in becoming a Community Director or the Finance Director of Explore, email by 24 March 2014.

Dringhouses & Woodthorpe Resident Forum tomorrow (Monday)

Monday, 3rd March, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Woodthorpe Primary School, Summerfield Road, York YO24 2RU


1. 7.00pm Drop In Talk to ward councillors, policing team ; pick up information on ward grants 2014-15, have your say on how health services are commissioned in York. York Older People’s Assembly will have a stall.

2. 7.30pm Main Meeting: Welcome and Minutes from the last meeting

3. Police Report

4. JRHT report on play area (Sheringham Ave/Bellhouse Way)

5. Smarter York and environment issues – with Russell Stone CYC

6. Tour de France – a presentation on the arrangements for the event and how communities can get involved

7. 2014-15 Ward Priorities/Ward Budget

8. Annual Planning Panel elections

9. Have Your Say

Latest Planning application Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Location:       257 Thanet Road York YO24 2PE

Proposal:       Erection of two-storey dwelling to side

Ref No: 13/03571/OUT

Applicant:      Mr C Newby      Contact Guy Moorey      Consultation Expiry Date        17 February 2014 Case Officer:   Jonathan Kenyon Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       St Leonards Hospice 185 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1GL

Proposal:       External alterations including replacement windows and solar panels

Ref No: 14/00063/FUL

Applicant:      Mrs Janet Morley   Contact Mr Peter Bentley        Consultation Expiry Date        17 February 2014 Case Officer:   Victoria Bell   Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       8 Alness Drive York YO24 2XZ

Proposal:       First floor side extension inc new chimney stack

Ref No: 14/00075/FUL

Applicant:      Mr And Mrs Bellwood     Contact Mr David Moverley Consultation Expiry Date        17 February 2014Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level DEL


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.

Europe bid for Dringhouses funding

Behind closed doors logo

Somewhat belatedly, the York Council has decided to apply for European funding to help revive and extend the successful Kingsway Project which pioneered anti poverty activities in York towards the end of the last decade.

The Council is seeking £1.2 million from Europe with a matching amount likely to come from local resources.

The main neighbourhoods, which might benefit, include part of the Dringhouses area.

The decision was taken today. As usual it was taken behind closed doors and without any meaningful consultation with local residents.

The Kingsway Project was a victim of Labour’s 2011 Council election victory. Shortly after their success they jettisoned Ward Committee budgeting which led to the Westfield area losing £50,000 a year in locally determined investment.

The report (which contains a lot of jargon) can be read here.

Latest Planning application Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Dry cleaning “pod” planned for Tesco site

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference
Location: May Gurney Limited 312 Tadcaster Road York YO24 1HF

Proposal: Change of use from financial and professional service (Use class A2) to private day nursery (use class D1)

Ref No: 13/03660/FUL

Applicant: Mrs Vanessa Warn Contact Mr Andrew Neal Consultation Expiry Date 30 December 2013 Case Officer: Heather Fairy (Mon – Wed) Expected Decision Level DEL



Location: Tesco Supermarket Askham Bar Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York

Proposal: Installation of pod

Ref No: 13/03661/FUL

Applicant: Tesco Stores Ltd Contact Mr Laurence Piper Consultation Expiry Date 30 December 2013Case Officer: Heather Fairy (Mon – Wed) Expected Decision Level DEL
Location: Tesco Supermarket Askham Bar Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York

Proposal: Display of 3no. illuminated and 3o. non-illuminated fascia signs

Ref No: 13/03662/ADV

Applicant: Tesco Stores Ltd Contact Mr Laurence Piper Consultation Expiry Date 30 December 2013Case Officer: Heather Fairy (Mon – Wed) Expected Decision Level DEL
Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.

Dial and Ride from Dringhouses

Dial & Ride is York’s flexible bus service for residents who have difficulty in getting around.

Dial and ride

There is a Friday morning bus – Picking up in Dringhouses ward from 10am going to City Centre or the shops at Foss Bank or Foss Islands Road with a return at 2.30pm.

The bus can drop off at St Sampson’s Centre, Sainsbury’s Foss bank, Morrison’s, Waitrose or Home Sense

It provides a door-to-door service, taking people from their home to the city centre or major supermarkets. The buses are equipped for people who have difficulty walking and for those who use wheelchairs.

Passengers need to book in advance by telephoning 01904 551441. Office opening times are weekdays from 8am until 12 noon but a message can be left outside of these times.

Full fare

  • £4.00 for a return journey
  • £2.00 for a single journey

Concessionary pass holders

  • £2.00 for a return journey
  • £1.25 for a single journey

Blind person’s pass holders travel free.

Timetable – A full timetable can be found here:

90% say “lift Lendal Bridge access restrictions”

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

An overwhelming majority of residents have given the thumbs down to the current closure restrictions on Lendal Bridge.

Responding to a survey carried out by the Liberal Democrats, in the Dringhouses, Woodthorpe and Hob Moor areas, only 8% have said that the trial is a success.

90% want the restrictions to be removed.

A massive 95% say that traffic congestion in the City has got worse over recent months.

The results underpin the findings from other sources.

Over 35,000 penalty notices have been issued since the Lendal Bridge and Coppergate ANPR cameras were installed.

Stand and deliver  Labour adopt traditional approach to transport funding in York

Stand and deliver
Labour adopt traditional approach to transport funding in York

The influential “Trip Advisor” web site has logged a large number of complaints from visitors who are vowing never to visit the City again.

A Facebook page has also been set up by opponents of the restrictions.

The Council leadership continue to maintain an air of lofty indifference to resident’s views prompting new calls for a referendum on the future of the restrictions.

An opportunity to test resident’s views, at a reasonable cost, will come on 22nd May when European Parliament elections are already scheduled to take place.

By then, however, some traders may have been forced to close as City centre shopper numbers continue to fall.


There is no consolation for the Council’s Leadership from residents other responses to the survey.

88% say there is no justification for Labours plans to build on the Green Belt, while 80% remain opposed to a wide area 20 mph speed limit.

Most damming verdict comes from the 93% who believe that public service standards have got worse since Labour took office.

No one who has responded so far believes that standards have got better.