Residents reject bollard suggestion

Residents on the Middlethorpe estate have rejected a suggestion that concrete bollards could be installed at some junctions in the hope of protecting verges from being overrun by heavy vehicles (such as at the junction of Whin Road and Middlethorpe Grove, pictured below).








In response to a request for feedback in the Spring 2018 edition of Focus, all but one respondent said that they did not favour bollards being installed. Reasons given included that they would be ugly and would be difficult to mow around.

One alternative suggestion put forward was for template letters to be drafted which residents could be put on the windscreens of vehicles parked inappropriately, asking them politely to park elsewhere.

This suggestion chimes with a recommendation coming out of the grass verge scrutiny review in 2016, which was that:

“The Communications Team produces a pro forma letter to further promote community and neighbourhood pride and advise that it costs council tax payers £35 per square metre to repair damaged verges, which can:

  • Be made available to ward councillors for distribution to drivers and residents when a particular problem is identified or reported;
  • Be circulated to residents online or by text message via the new My Account system;
  • Form the basis of a poster to be displayed in local libraries, community centres, other public buildings and included in relevant council publications.”

Middlethorpe Grove footpath work to get underway

City of York Council has issued letters to residents on Middlethorpe Grove confirming that footpath reconstruction work will get underway on 11 June, and is expected to last for 16 weeks. The hours of work will be 8am to 3.30pm.

The scheme involves installing a pin kerb to the front of the footway, relaying the flags and replacing broken ones. Vehicle crossings will be reconstructed in concrete. Tactile crossing points will be installed across junctions. Residents within the area to be reconstructed are being offered a discounted extension or new vehicle crossing to be constructed as part of this scheme, at cost.

The map issued with the letter indicates that the footpaths on both sides of Middlethorpe Grove will be reconstructed from the junction with Hunters Way to the junction with Dringthorpe Road. This is welcome news, as it had been suggested by the council recently in a footways map accompanying an Officer Decision Report that only the even numbered side of the street would be reconstructed.



Update on Middlethorpe Grove resurfacing work

The recent wintry weather has delayed the completion of the road resurfacing works on Middlethorpe Grove.

Middlethorpe Grove









Although the resurfacing work was completed successfully before the bad spell of weather came in, the joint cutting, road marking and verge seeding did not take place due to the snow. The joint cutting was further delayed by the snow on Thursday 8 March. It is hoped that this work will now take place, along with the road marking, during the week commencing 12 March. The reinstatement of all disturbed verges will occur during the week commencing 19 March.

Big programme of highway resurfacing works announced for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe area

The York Council has announced which roads and footpaths will be resurfaced this year. The programme is the biggest for several years with, in total, £8,091,500 is due to be invested.

This represents an increase of 27% over the previous years budget

Around 100 individual roads are listed for resurfacing.

In the Dringhouses area, the programme includes £1/4 million for work on the following roads and footpaths

Bracken Road Carriageway Dringhouses £81,000
Middlethorpe Grove Carriageway Dringhouses £137,000
Little Hob Moor Cycle path Dringhouses £1,750
Acomb Wood Close Footpath Dringhouses £4,000
Alness Drive Footpath Dringhouses £27,000
Ashbourne Way Footpath Dringhouses £5,000
Deveron Way Footpath Dringhouses £14,000
North Lane Footpath Dringhouses £7,000
Old Moor Lane Footpath Dringhouses £7,120

The full list of streets which will receive attention can be viewed by clicking here

Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Cafe plan for Middlethorpe Grove

 Below is the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Middlethorpe News 36 Middlethorpe Grove York YO24 1JS

Conversion of retail shop (use Class A1) to restaurant/cafe (use Class A3) under Class C, Part 3, Schedule 2 of Article 3 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015  Open for Comment

Ref. No: 16/02634/RFPA3

Extract from planning application form



Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.

Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


34 The Square Dringhouses York YO24 1UR

Various tree works including the felling of 1no. Elm tree protected by Tree Preservation Order No.: CYC149

Ref. No: 16/01998/TPO 


92 Moor Lane Acomb York YO24 2QY

Single storey front and rear extensions and replacement detached garage to rear

Ref. No: 16/01961/FUL 


10 Middlethorpe Grove York YO24 1JR

Single storey side and rear extension

Ref. No: 16/01929/FUL 


2A Old Moor Lane York YO24 1QT

Fell Silver Birch tree protected by Tree Preservation Order No.: 38

Ref. No: 16/01955/TPO 


4 St James Croft York YO24 2QD

Roof extensions incorporating new gables to side and rear

Ref. No: 16/01880/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.