Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference

3 North Lane York YO24 2NS

Erection of single storey extension extending 4.28 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.60 metres and a total height of 3.40 metres

Ref. No: 24/00936/LHE 

37 Ashbourne Way York YO24 2SW

Up to 20% reduction of 1no. Oak tree protected by Tree Preservation Order No.26

Ref. No: 24/00931/TPO 


33 The Horseshoe York YO24 1LY

Single storey rear extension

Ref. No: 24/00894/FUL 


68 Ryecroft Avenue York YO24 2SD

Single storey front, side and rear extensions, render to side elevations and alterations to fenestration

Ref. No: 24/00874/FUL 


Representations can be made in support of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


28 Spey Bank York YO24 2UZ

Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of attached garage

Ref. No: 24/00607/FUL 


100 Bramble Dene York YO24 2RJ

Single storey side and rear extension, first floor rear extension, outbuilding to rear

Ref. No: 24/00605/FUL 


3 North Lane York YO24 2NS

Erection of single storey extension extending 4.5 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.6 metres and a total height of 3.9 metres

Ref. No: 24/00572/LHE 


23 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1QG

Internal and external works including single storey rear extension, part rear demolition and porch and railings to front

Ref. No: 24/00570/LBC 


23 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1QG

Single storey rear extension, part rear demolition and porch and railings to front

Ref. No: 24/00569/FUL 


7 Trent Way York YO24 2TR

Two storey side and single storey rear extension

Ref. No: 24/00550/FUL 


The Blue Fin 82 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1LR

First floor rear extension to create 1no. flat

Ref. No: 24/00539/FUL 


Representations can be made in support of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


York College Sim Balk Lane York YO23 2BB

Siting of additional marquee for temporary period until July 2022 (retrospective)

Ref. No: 21/01231/FUL 


66 Moor Lane Acomb York YO24 2QY

Dormer to rear and 1no. roof light to front

Ref. No: 21/01203/FUL 


32 Eason View York YO24 2HX

Replacement garage following demolition of garage

Ref. No: 21/01137/FUL 


115 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1XA

2 no. single storey extensions to rear

Ref. No: 21/01128/FUL |


4 The Pastures York YO24 2JE

Single storey rear extension

Ref. No: 21/01118/FUL 


23 North Lane York YO24 2NZ

Erection of detached garage to front

Ref. No: 21/01124/FUL 


30 Moor Grove York YO24 2NP

Single storey front extension

Ref. No: 21/01084/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Action to create additional parking provision for Dringhouses

Local Lib Dem councillors are taking action to protect grass verges from being turned into mud baths and provide parking for houses and flats in Dringhouses that have no off-street parking.

Ward funding and Housing Environmental Improvement funds are set to be used to create new parking bays, some of which will be layby-style and others similar to the ‘ecogrid’ bays recently established at Dringfield Close (pictured below).

Sites identified so far include North Lane, Wains Road, Southfield Crescent and Chaloners Road. There is also a proposal to expand the parking provision in front of the three-storey block of flats on Thanet Road. Letters have been sent to affected residents asking for their views before the plans are finalised.

Councillors are also hoping to be able to identify funding to support verge cross-overs to be created for council properties, with Thanet Road being a likely beneficiary.

In an attempt to protect verges from being driven over and destroyed, it is planned to trial some planting on verges at the southern end of Wains Road.

Dog fouling concerns on North Lane

In response to concerns raised by residents about dog fouling, a sign has been installed on North Lane in Dringhouses reminding irresponsible owners of the penalties of not picking up after their dog.









The sign has been funded from the Dringhouses & Woodthorpe Ward Committee budget.

Property marking in Dringhouses on Sunday

On Sunday 20th August between 15.00pm and 17.00pm your local Neighbourhood Policing Team will be on the grassed area on North Lane in Dringhouses marking property and offering crime prevention advice. For advice on home security please follow this link – 

North Lane issues tackled

We are currently pursuing a number of issues in the North Lane area.

The steps leading up from Moor Grove onto the St Helens Road railway bridge are choked with grass and weeds. We have for this area to receive attention ASAP.

The dog poo bin on North Lane pasture is often overflowing, which suggests more frequent emptying or a larger capacity bin is needed. We will try to get some improvements made.

Nearby, we have again asked for the Chaseside Court street sign to be turned round to face the right way.


And at the junction of North Lane and Orchard Way the footpath is gradually disappearing under vegetation which needs cutting back properly. We are in discussion with the council to confirm responsibility for the strip of land on which the vegetation is growing.

Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Tesco plan “dry cleaning pod”

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


25 North Lane York YO24 2NZ

Two storey side extension

Ref. No: 17/00772/FUL 


Cross Keys Public House 32 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1LQ

Display of 1no. externally illuminated hanging sign, 1no. externally illuminated fascia sign, 1no. non illuminated projecting sign and 4no. non illuminated wall mounted signs

Ref. No: 17/00728/ADV 


Cross Keys Public House 32 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1LQ

Display of illuminated and non-illuminated signs

Ref. No: 17/00729/LBC 

Tesco Tadcaster Road


Tesco Askham Bar Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1LW

Siting of dry cleaning, key cutting, shoe and watch repairs pod at existing premises

Ref. No: 17/00418/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.

Big programme of highway resurfacing works announced for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe area

The York Council has announced which roads and footpaths will be resurfaced this year. The programme is the biggest for several years with, in total, £8,091,500 is due to be invested.

This represents an increase of 27% over the previous years budget

Around 100 individual roads are listed for resurfacing.

In the Dringhouses area, the programme includes £1/4 million for work on the following roads and footpaths

Bracken Road Carriageway Dringhouses £81,000
Middlethorpe Grove Carriageway Dringhouses £137,000
Little Hob Moor Cycle path Dringhouses £1,750
Acomb Wood Close Footpath Dringhouses £4,000
Alness Drive Footpath Dringhouses £27,000
Ashbourne Way Footpath Dringhouses £5,000
Deveron Way Footpath Dringhouses £14,000
North Lane Footpath Dringhouses £7,000
Old Moor Lane Footpath Dringhouses £7,120

The full list of streets which will receive attention can be viewed by clicking here