North Lane issues tackled

We are currently pursuing a number of issues in the North Lane area.

The steps leading up from Moor Grove onto the St Helens Road railway bridge are choked with grass and weeds. We have for this area to receive attention ASAP.

The dog poo bin on North Lane pasture is often overflowing, which suggests more frequent emptying or a larger capacity bin is needed. We will try to get some improvements made.

Nearby, we have again asked for the Chaseside Court street sign to be turned round to face the right way.


And at the junction of North Lane and Orchard Way the footpath is gradually disappearing under vegetation which needs cutting back properly. We are in discussion with the council to confirm responsibility for the strip of land on which the vegetation is growing.

Loading bay parking problems

In a recent survey undertaken by local Lib Dem councillors, Slingsby Grove residents expressed concerns about sight lines being blocked by cars parking in the ‘loading bay’ in front of the shops on Tadcaster Road. When cars, and in particular vans, park here, it obstructs motorists’ view of vehicles coming from the left as they pull out of Slingsby Grove.

We recently took this photo showing the ‘parking bay’ beyond the bus stop empty, whilst cars parked in the ‘loading bay’ (and in one case obstructed the cycle path).

Loading only?

We have asked council officers about the possibility of painting more striking markings for the loading bay, but this idea has not found favour. We will continue to press for action, as this is a matter of public safety about which residents have concerns.

Hob Moor footpath gets much-needed repair

The large hole which appeared in the footpath on Hob Moor near the railway underpass has been repaired after we reported it for attention.

This section of footpath had started to crumble away, and it seems to have been related to utilities work that was carried out some time ago.

Repair work underway

Before – the footpath was in dire need of attention

Action on overhanging vegetation

Cllr Stephen Fenton is taking action to have overhanging vegetation cut back which poses a hazard to pedestrians and motorists.

On Aintree Court, near the junction with Mayfield Grove, vegetation from the Railway Pond site was encroaching into the road, forcing motorists to drive towards the centre of the road on what is a blind bend. This was reported and it has now been cut back.

On Acomb Wood Drive, a stretch of vegetation near the phone box, opposite the entrance to the pub car park, was obstructing the footpath making it difficult for pedestrians to pass. This was reported and has been cut back.

Over the road at the entrance to the pub car park, a clump of vegetation has been left to grow out of control, blocking access to the footpath and the cycle racks. This is on private land, so we are trying to get some action taken to have this cut back.

Footpath at the entrance to the Quaker Wood car park

Finally, at the entrance to the Woodlands estate on Bellhouse Way, vegetation was obstructing the cycle / foot path. The Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust have taken action to have some of the vegetation cut back.

Weed spraying gets underway

Due to very good recent growing conditions, council officers have decided to bring forward by one week the second application of herbicide to control weeds along kerb lines, footpaths and back lanes. So the spraying started on Monday 3rd July, rather than 10th July as had been planned.

Over the coming weeks we will monitor the impact of the spraying and highlight any areas that may have been missed.

Three more homes planned for Mayfield Grove

The planning committee is being recommended to approve the construction of 3 homes on a site in Mayfield Grove. A similar application earlier in the year was deferred pending receipt of a bat study.

That study has now been provided.

If approved at a meeting taking place on 6th July, the houses would replace an existing bungalow located towards the front of the site with its main garden to the rear.

There would be a semi-detached pair of 4 bedroom dwellings at the front of the site on the footprint of the existing bungalow and a single detached 2 bedroom bungalow to the rear.

Vehicle access would be from Mayfield Grove, via newly created parking areas and private driveway to the rear property.

The local planning panel had criticised the plans saying that they represent an over development of the area.

Cabinet graffiti clean-up success

Cllr Stephen Fenton spent the afternoon of Saturday 17 June blitzing the graffiti that has blighted a number of Virgin Media cabinets in Dringhouses & Woodthorpe.

Using special wipes designed to remove paint, Stephen cleaned up a total of eight cabinets on Chaloners Road, Wharfe Drive, Eason View, Thanet Road and Lowick.

The graffiti had first been reported to Virgin Media last year but they took no action, so the time had come to take some direct action.

